Intangible Outcomes

– Increased capacity for innovation and cooperation at national and European levels for partner organizations.

– Improved skills among the staff of partner organizations, particularly in connection with the implementation of EU-funded programs.

– Extension and development of competences for Youth Institution Trainers, enabling them to provide enhanced education opportunities to learners. This includes access to tools and methods for professionalization and professional development, updating of work-related knowledge and skills, and contribution to lifelong learning activities.

– For target beneficiaries, especially NEETs aged 15-24, increased access to quality and inclusive education, training, and career opportunities. This leads to overcoming future anxiety, promoting self-confidence and mindfulness, and staying informed about current labor and education opportunities.

– Enhanced cooperation with partner organizations, other actors, and integrated partners to develop a network and community of practice on Career Opportunities for NEETs. This collaboration occurs at the local or European scale, facilitating the sharing of information, skill enhancement, and active collaboration to increase general knowledge on the subject matter among stakeholders.

Career Guide

© 2023 Created with Believe in Youth Team